A semordnilap is a word or a phrase that spells a different word when backwards ("semordnilap" is a semordnilap of "palindromes"). Here are some examples:
nametag / gateman
dog / god
live / evil
desserts / stressed
Recursive program, semordnilap, that takes in two words and says if they are semordnilap.
This wrapper function performs some checks, then makes a call to the recursive function
def semordnilapWrapper(str1, str2):
# A single-length string cannot be semordnilap
if len(str1) == 1 or len(str2) == 1:
return False
# Equal strings cannot be semordnilap
if str1 == str2:
return False
return semordnilap(str1, str2)
def semordnilap(str1, str2):
returns: True if str1 and str2 are semordnilap;
False otherwise.
if len(str1)<>len(str2) or str1[0]<>str2[len(str2)-1] :
return False
elif len(str1)==1:
return True
return semordnilap(str1[1:],str2[:-1])
A semordnilap is a word or a phrase that spells a different word when backwards ("semordnilap" is a semordnilap of "palindromes"). Here are some examples:
nametag / gateman
dog / god
live / evil
desserts / stressed
Recursive program, semordnilap, that takes in two words and says if they are semordnilap.
This wrapper function performs some checks, then makes a call to the recursive function
def semordnilapWrapper(str1, str2):
# A single-length string cannot be semordnilap
if len(str1) == 1 or len(str2) == 1:
return False
# Equal strings cannot be semordnilap
if str1 == str2:
return False
return semordnilap(str1, str2)
def semordnilap(str1, str2):
returns: True if str1 and str2 are semordnilap;
False otherwise.
if len(str1)<>len(str2) or str1[0]<>str2[len(str2)-1] :
return False
elif len(str1)==1:
return True
return semordnilap(str1[1:],str2[:-1])
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